Saturday, February 16, 2013

Rainbow Cupcakes

 These are yellow cake cupcakes I made for a little girl’s 6th birthday party. Her mom had this amazing idea to put the cupcakes in plastic wine goblets and fill the bottom with M&Ms, so I matched the red, yellow, green, blue, and purple buttercream icing colors and cupcake foils to the color of the M&Ms!  I decorated the birthday girl’s cupcake with all the colors to make hers special, and I think they turned out pretty cool!

Buttercream Icing per Batch: $2.55 x 2.5 = $6.38 (.5 red, .5 yellow, .5 green, .5 blue, .5 purple)
Yellow Cake: $1.93
Labor: $6.00 per hour x 1.5 = $9
Total Estimate: $17.31

One item of note, these were inexpensive because my client provided the M&Ms and champagne flutes.  The cost increases a bit if I provide them.

Elmo Cake

This is a yellow cake decorated as Elmo with red, orange, white, and black buttercream icing that I made for a little boy’s second birthday.  Elmo’s face was made to look like monster fur while the rest of the icing was done smooth.

Buttercream Icing per Batch: $2.55 x 2 = $5.10 (1 red, .5 white, .25 orange, .25 black)
Yellow Cake: $1.93
Wrapping and Plating: $4.88
Labor: $6.00 per hour x 3 = $18
Total Estimate: $29.91

Teddy Bear Cake

This is a chocolate teddy bear cake decorated with chocolate, white, and light brown buttercream icing that I made for a little boy’s first birthday.  Chocolate upon chocolate upon chocolate!  What a dream!

Buttercream Icing per Batch: $2.55 x 2 (1 chocolate, .5 light brown, .5 white) = $5.10
Chocolate Cake: $1.93
Wrapping and Plating: $4.88
Labor: $6.00 per hour x 3.5 hours $21
Total: $32.91